Pervy Doctor Uses Spy Watch to Film Patients

If James Bond were a doctor…and a criminal…and a skeezy perv, he might be something like Davinderjit Bains, a general practitioner who was arrested recently for secretly filming his examinations of female patients using…his wristwatch? It turns out that during his four-year stint practicing medicine in the small town of Royal Wootton Bassett in southwestern England, the 45-year-old physician wore a Tieex HD Spy Watch Digital Video Recorder similar to the one below (price tag: only about $90), allowing him to take high-quality video of his patients in compromising positions and in various stages of undress.
Bains was initially arrested not for what he did to his patients, but rather for sexually assaulting a 19-year-old female tenant who was living in his home after allegedly plying her with alcohol and drugging her with pills that were supposedly for treating her acne. The teenager told police she believed he had also been videotaping her in the shower with the watch placed on a nearby bathroom shelf.
When police took Bains into custody for those crimes, they found at his practice a mother load of 361 videos of patients that he had taken with his spy watch between 2010 and 2012. Some victims are thought to be as young as 14, while others are as old as 51. Authorities believe the total number of victims is between 200 and 300, and they are in the process of determining their identities and contacting them. It’s feared that as many as 100 of the women received medical exams they didn’t even need.
Following his arrest, Bains was suspended from his job and is currently awaiting trial. He has thus far admitted to 39 counts of voyeurism, sexual activity with a child and sexual assault, a number that will likely climb as the investigation continues.
(Sources: The Daily Mail, The Mirror)