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Medical Assistant Salary by State

Medical assistant salary varies from state to state because of factors such as the cost of living, population density, local economy, and demand for medical services. How much medical assistants make is not consistent throughout any state, either, as medical assistant salary by city varies as well. However, some states trend higher than others when it comes to medical assistant salary, so it’s possible to make a higher salary by living in a higher trending state.

Medical Assistant Salary State to State

Below is a list of medical assistant salary figures by state, including lowest, median, highest, and average salaries for each state.

State Prim State Lowest Salary Median Salary Highest Salary Average Salary
Alabama (see schools) AL $23,470 $29,920 $37,660 $31,390
Alaska (see schools) AK $37,290 $47,400 $60,150 $46,390
Arizona (see schools) AZ $29,640 $37,390 $47,250 $37,790
Arkansas (see schools) AR $24,680 $29,970 $37,990 $32,170
California (see schools) CA $30,210 $38,780 $61,800 $44,780
Colorado (see schools) CO $30,310 $38,040 $48,260 $40,270
Connecticut (see schools) CT $32,810 $38,000 $48,510 $41,010
Delaware (see schools) DE $28,990 $36,470 $47,780 $36,450
District of Columbia(see schools) DC $36,230 $47,550 $60,150 $46,690
Florida (see schools) FL $28,910 $36,700 $46,240 $35,480
Georgia (see schools) GA $27,970 $36,190 $46,450 $35,470
Hawaii (see schools) HI $29,990 $38,860 $48,520 $42,460
Idaho (see schools) ID $29,170 $37,120 $47,240 $37,650
Illinois (see schools) IL $28,990 $37,500 $47,370 $37,910
Indiana (see schools) IN $29,130 $36,960 $46,890 $36,600
Iowa (see schools) IA $29,340 $37,660 $48,160 $38,290
Kansas (see schools) KS $28,820 $35,340 $39,890 $34,270
Kentucky (see schools) KY $27,560 $33,410 $38,320 $33,360
Louisiana (see schools) LA $22,640 $29,470 $38,000 $30,620
Maine (see schools) ME $30,000 $37,860 $47,890 $38,990
Maryland (see schools) MD $29,520 $37,530 $48,310 $39,280
Massachusetts (see schools) MA $36,780 $45,880 $59,060 $44,200
Michigan (see schools) MI $29,140 $37,120 $43,790 $35,640
Minnesota (see schools) MN $36,590 $46,920 $48,510 $44,010
Mississippi (see schools) MS $23,290 $29,760 $43,120 $31,640
Missouri (see schools) MO $28,490 $35,280 $42,060 $34,380
Montana (see schools) MT $29,960 $37,660 $48,150 $39,000
Nebraska (see schools) NE $28,820 $36,990 $47,510 $36,560
Nevada (see schools) NV $29,400 $36,960 $47,040 $36,890
New Hampshire (see schools) NH $30,100 $38,220 $48,490 $40,370
New Jersey (see schools) NJ $30,150 $37,640 $47,470 $39,600
New Mexico (see schools) NM $28,560 $30,750 $44,660 $34,470
New York (see schools) NY $29,990 $37,860 $48,510 $42,100
North Carolina (see schools) NC $28,990 $36,790 $46,210 $35,650
North Dakota (see schools) ND $28,990 $37,310 $48,170 $37,440
Ohio (see schools) OH $28,890 $36,800 $45,750 $35,330
Oklahoma (see schools) OK $24,840 $30,030 $38,000 $32,230
Oregon (see schools) OR $36,360 $45,710 $57,600 $44,000
Pennsylvania (see schools) PA $29,650 $36,680 $46,930 $36,750
Rhode Island (see schools) RI $29,610 $37,860 $48,490 $39,390
South Carolina (see schools) SC $25,470 $34,710 $45,070 $34,270
South Dakota (see schools) SD $28,040 $30,540 $45,240 $33,880
Tennessee (see schools) TN $28,640 $36,280 $45,840 $35,150
Texas (see schools) TX $27,570 $35,520 $45,850 $34,660
Utah (see schools) UT $28,960 $37,120 $44,850 $35,570
Vermont (see schools) VT $36,360 $37,190 $47,780 $39,220
Virginia (see schools) VA $29,460 $37,070 $48,170 $38,330
Washington (see schools) WA $36,680 $47,460 $60,150 $47,320
West Virginia (see schools) WV $23,310 $29,740 $37,970 $31,230
Wisconsin (see schools) WI $30,100 $38,050 $48,190 $39,670
Wyoming (see schools) WY $29,420 $37,410 $48,300 $37,470
Guam(see schools) GU $18,300 $24,130 $36,880 $26,060
Puerto Rico(see schools) PR $17,230 $21,980 $30,100 $23,450
Virgin Islands(see schools) VI $29,830 $37,020 $46,490 $35,480

Salary and wage statistics are based on 2021 data courtesy of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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