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Category Archives: Blog

Doctors Grow Nose on Man’s Forehead

Doctors Grow Nose on Man's Forehead

A 22-year-old man in China named Xiaolian is more “nosy” than most people, thanks to doctors who have grown a second nose on his forehead. You see, his original nose — the one in the middle of his face — was irreparably damaged when he neglected treatment for injuries suffered during a car accident in […]

Mustache Transplants: The New Middle Eastern Medical Trend

Tom Selleck and Borat, eat your hairy hearts out. More and more men in the Middle East are sporting bigger, fuller mustaches, thanks to the latest trend in medical procedures: mustache transplants. Thick mustaches are valued in Middle Eastern cultures as a sign of masculinity, maturity, stateliness, wisdom and virility, so men who feel their […]

Some Medical Assistants Work With Robot Doctors

Some Medical Assistants Work With Robot Doctors

As we move closer to the inevitable apocalyptic war between machines and humans that The Terminator predicted, robots continue to take on bigger and more impressive tasks — and this time, medical assistants are on the front line. You see, more and more hospitals have begun using “telepresence robots” when there aren’t enough doctors to […]

Could a Poop Transplant Help You Lose Weight?

Could a Poop Transplant Help You Lose Weight?

There have been a lot of outrageous weight loss strategies over the years, but a recent scientific discovery might take the cake. And eat it. And poop it into somebody else’s body. Sorry for that visual. In a study published in Science Magazine, researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found […]

Boy Finds Snail Growing Inside His Leg

Boy Finds Snail Growing Inside His Leg

We’ve all heard of having a frog in your throat, but what about a snail in your leg? Believe it or not, that’s the medical situation that happened to Paul Franklin, a 4-year-old boy from Aliso Viejo, California whose parents were shocked to find that a sea snail had been living in their son’s knee […]